Matching Couple Outfits - 6 Reasons Why They Are So Popular
It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there is no denying that the trend about matching couple outfits and accessories has always remained popular.
Do you remember back in 2001 Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake made headlines for wearing matching denim outfits to the American Music Awards?
Or maybe you have heard about the old japanese couple, Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki, who prove that matching couple outfits are not only for teens! They are insanely popular all the around the world because they wear cute matching outfits every day for 37 years. Their Instagram page Bonpon511 has nearly one million followers, and their fans love them. A cute little backstory - Bon and Pon are their childhood nicknames, and they are both in their sixties. 511? It is their wedding anniversary. They are officially senior citizens and are still A-list fashionistas. I guess what makes their fashion sense very appealing is their simplicity. The couple looks like your average elder couple, who are going to the grocery store or out for an afternoon tea.
Talking to other couples who don’t have a problem gracing us with their matching wardrobes, here’s what I found out:
1. Standing out and getting positive reactions.
Couples who wear matching outfits get a lot of attention. It takes confidence to stand out, but it will also result in compliments from other people who think it's cute and appreciate their fashion sense.
2. Strong impression about their “togetherness”.
Wearing couple shirts gives a strong signal that both parties are in a relationship. Like, hello? Can you read? She’s the queen, that is her king. Plain and simple, so back off. Some couples prefer to be identified with each other. They love the idea of being a couple and to great lengths as we know. They are the types who take the concept of “we are together, we are one” very seriously. Also, it is most useful when the other went astray to a crowded party. I bet it will just take a few minutes if not under 30 seconds to find the missing bae.
3. Special bond.Just like Bon and Pon, dressing up can probably be their thing, it is their special bond. Think about spending weekends shopping for your next matching hoodies, bracelets, necklaces or couple rings, just anything! If you look closely, it is more than the boutique shopping or finding the perfect matching hue. It is their way of spending time together. I don’t see this any different from couples binge watching Stranger Things or Brooklyn Nine-Nine on weekends.
4. Commitment
Matching couples don’t just stop with the outfits. I bet you know a lot of people who had matching tattoos. Well, not the Angelina and Billy Bob types. There are couples who get inked and lived happily together, you know. I was introduced once to a newly-wed couple who had their wedding rings tattooed. I thought that was so cool! They did not have it tattooed during the actual wedding, but it does not make it less cool. For them, it represents their commitment to each other. It signifies their union in a very artistic way. Very creative!
5. An outlet of the relationship’s personality.
There are times when we “label” or “brand” couples. That’s Jen and Brady, they’re the beach couple. They met on the beach a few summers ago and just hit it off. And oh, that’s Candice and Dave, they’re the corporate couple. They’re a perfect match, she works in advertising while he’s in finance. Yep, that kind of branding or labeling. Same goes with our matchers. Being known to be fashionably aligned (literally), gives them their relationship identity. And that’s something to be proud of. They aren’t shy or afraid to show what type of relationship they have. It goes beyond the colors or the fabric types. We can see a happy couple who are adventurous, fun and exciting.
6. It is a fun activity
How cool is it to have your boyfriend enjoying shopping with you? Over the past decades, men are stereotyped to be so annoyed when they are asked to accompany their girlfriends to the malls. But “matchers” (that's how couples who were matching outfits like to call themselves) challenge this myth. It may even take you to adventures! Imagine having to go around different stores, flea markets, and boutiques to find the perfect IG worthy outfit you’ll wear to the barbecue next week? Having fun also means being creative and resourceful in achieving your goal. For them, the goal happens to be acing the world’s best matching skirt and tie.
Like it or not, but these are just some of the reasons the trend about matching couple outfits exists and will continue to exist for a long time.